Success Philosophy: 5 Things to Avoid, whatever your Profession

Success Philosophy: 5 Things to Avoid, whatever your Profession

While there are many habits and routines we can adapt to boost our success, there are just as many things we need to consciously avoid. Here are 5 of the most dangerous obstacles to our success that we need to actively turn away from:

1. Negative Temptation

Success has always been about the result of one’s hard work, that is, a return of the positive energy that we’ve put out into the world. Of course, we always need a break from our work before we get back to dishing out that positive force into the world.

However, there is a point where the break from our positive efforts descends into a dark force, as we give ourselves more than we deserve. Becoming consumed by our egos and mixed into an attitude of self-grandiosity, an innocent break from work can quickly transmute a positive effort into a neutral stagnated state and then a complete reversal into negative, self-harming behaviour.

2. Immobility

Following on the previous point, the best way to avoid the negative temptations that arise from stagnation is to keep moving. Remaining immobile is a sure-fire way to make yourself a vulnerable target of the ego, as you find ways to please yourself without working for it.

There are many everyday examples of the dangers of being immobile, such as eating without having exercised, or watching an episode of your favourite show without having done any work to earn that break. There is always something useful and fulfilling we can put our energy into, and remaining stagnant in an ever-moving and expanding cosmos is precisely the opposite action of the universe’s divine intention for us.

3. Losing Sight of your Goal

It is important to never lose sight of why you are doing something, especially when the going gets tough. Our vision for ourselves needs to be so strong and meaningful to us that our “why” allows us to overcome the “how”.

Losing sight of your goal is a result of the last remnants of our distorted egos rearing their ugly heads. When you are knees deep into the journey towards success, your inner darkness will make its final attempts to abandon everything for the sake of self-grandiosity and pleasure-seeking behaviour, making this the most critical moment to look back at your “why”, and peer into that vision once more.

4. Becoming Obsessed

One thing we always should be aware of is whether we are becoming too obsessed with our own success, resulting in a narrowed vision of the world and a one-track way of thinking. If we are unable to enjoy life along the way, or our visions and goals are not sparking joy within us, then it may be time to remodel our vision to something more innately fulfilling to us, that will allow us to keep interracting in a positive manner with the world around us.

5. Neglecting the World

Following on from the previous point, when we start to obsess over something, no matter how noble we think it is, we start to behave in a manner of isolation and social withdrawal. Rather than thinking that our everyday conversations with friends and family are wasting our time, we should look for every small useful detail that we can extract from the conversation and apply it towards our goals.

In reality, no one is alone in this world and humans live for each other, and it is important that we honor this aspect of life by continuing to communicate and support each other as no singular person possesses all the answers. A friendly conversation with your neighbor could be the hidden breakthrough to your success, so do not neglect the world.

Yaseen Hijazi is the founder of Have Ya Seen Japan and a contributing writer for Millennial Homeowner, Coffee Courage, Learning the Kitchen, and Women's Tennis Blog.

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