The Benefits of Writing in 2021

The Benefits of Writing in 2021

The art of writing is perhaps one of the most under-appreciated skilled activities of the modern era. With mankind now setting foot in 2021, the use of technology and smart phone devices are at an all-time high.

Implications of modernity on writing

The increased prevalence of smart-device usage has resulted in society becoming more “visual” so to speak. The overwhelming distractions from social media and YouTube has made it very easy to be entranced by images and videos rather than by words, after all, they are far easier on the brain to take in and process.

It is not uncommon to see many people today feeling lost and confused with their day-to-day schedules, often feeling they have done very little of what they really wanted to do in the day. This leaves the majority of our society feeling unsatisfied and lacking a sense of fulfilment with their days, as we realise we spend most of the day chasing the next easiest-to-obtain desire, whether it is watching a useless video or movie, buying a product we came across online or rushing to the nearest food store because of a targeted ad on our social media feeds.

Writing as a salvation

Writing is an over-looked activity which can assist in overcoming the difficulties of having a more fulfilling day and avoiding the over-consumption of daily distractions. It is perhaps the greatest form of harmonious self-expression, and all writers know it intrinsically.

The art of writing allows one to explore their most inner, deeply-rooted thoughts and express them in a way in which their voice can be heard by all those who read their work. This form of self-expression is a salvation for those who have an innate desire to express, but is unable to find a medium to do so in their day-to-day routines.

We all have a voice, and the noisy world of today often means that people enjoy talking more than listening, as talking is associated with expressing oneself, while the art of listening is gaining a more obscured notion by being associated with people who either “cannot talk” or are “unconfident” within themselves.

The truth about writing

The reality is, writing is one of the most important forms of self-expression, because the true purpose and meaning of one’s message cannot be fully understood in face-to-face talk. Things like nerves, reputation or even social awkwardness come into play, and often certain people with greater extroversion capabilities will be unfairly classified as “smarter”, “more sophisticated” and with “more to share” than their quiet counterparts.

Writing puts things in perspective, and those who write understand that every human is just as valuable as anyone else, and the things we share through writing are always interesting and unique for those who bother to read the words of others, rather than looking at the next photo or video that pops up on their phones.

Not only is writing an incredible outlet for those who have a lot to express, but it is also very therapeutic in nature. The very act of expressing what is inside you onto a piece of paper or a word document can be incredibly uplifting and invigorating, as though inner-weights are being released out into the open, leaving you with a feeling of weightlessness after producing a piece of writing.

Incredibly enough, the more you write the more you want to do it! There is no limit to how good you can feel through the practice of writing, whether it is in the form of blog posts, articles, novels, or poetry, the feeling is incredible.

Having one’s work featured on sites and newspapers is a bonus, certainly, and contributes to those immense positive feelings as previously outlined. However, simply writing for yourself is all you need to achieve those feelings of positivity and fulfilment, whether it is a post for your own personal website or even a diary entry.

The funny thing is, many people often wonder how it is possible for authors to be dishing out such large sized novels and books reaching close to 1000 pages. In truth, it is often a lot easier than meets the eye, and authors will always attest to the fact that the actual writing part of their novel production is the easiest and most liberating part, whereas the true challenge would be coming up with a plot, setting, characters etc.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now then, the only thing left to do after reading this article is to pick up a pen, a tablet or a word document, and get writing! The first thing that springs to mind, whatever tickles your fantasy, anything you wish to express and bring forth into the world, start writing and watch the magic happen.

Yaseen Hijazi is the founder of Have Ya Seen Japan and a contributing writer for Millennial Homeowner, Coffee Courage, Learning the Kitchen, and Women's Tennis Blog.

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